We’ve designed this tool to help you visualize the significant savings potential when utilizing our advanced UV lamp drivers. The calculator compares performance of Nedap drivers with other UV lamp drivers available in the market. Stop spending on unnecessary energy expenses by reducing:
Annual cost reduction

You save $ 0 every year.
You reduce your TCO by $ 0.
Annual savings in kWh

You save 138 kwh every year.
Your carbon reduction is equal to 260 trees in years time.
- The cost savings are based on a world average price of $0.162 per kWh.
- The carbon reduction savings per kWh vary significantly from one country to another. For the US this is 0.3712 kgs CO2e per kWh
- 60 kg carbon equals 1 tree. Source: EPA
- In smaller or low- pressure UV systems the input power is limited. When used in large numbers the yearly savings will still be significant. Try the advanced options in the calculator.
- The cost savings are based on a world average price of $0.162 per kWh.
- The carbon reduction savings per kWh vary significantly from one country to another. For the US this is 0.3712 kgs CO2e per kWh
- 60 kg carbon equals 1 tree. Source: EPA
- The cost savings are based on a world average price of $0.162 per kWh.
- The carbon reduction savings per kWh vary significantly from one country to another. For the US this is 0.3712 kgs CO2e per kWh
Our calculator employs a meticulous evaluation of various market-available drivers, focusing on three key parameters:
We have tested the performance of Nedap drivers and other drivers on these parameters and used the results in the calculation tool. For more details of the study, download the paper Powering UV sources in the most efficient way, IUVA 2019 Sidney.

We maximize the conversion of electric power to UV light, ensuring that less energy is wasted and more is utilized in powering the lamps. The electrical efficiency of Nedap drivers is 95%. In the calculation we compare this with other drivers that showed up to 93% electrical efficiency.

High power factor signifies that less energy is lost during the conversion and transmission process. Nedap drivers have a Power Factor of 0,99, compared to 0,79 of other available drivers.

With a low THD, our UV lamp driver ensures stable power, fewer failures, lower energy losses, and improved UV lamp lifespan. Nedap drivers have a 5% THD compared to others at 60%. The calculation of potential savings is based on an average of 8% power loss of power grid worldwide.
Our design increases the product’s lifespan to exceed 10 years of dependable operation. This extended service life in addition to the lower annual energy costs, in turn leads to a substantial reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over the long term.

In response to global sustainability trends and compliance demands, Nedap’s UV lamp drivers promote environmental conservation and align with international standards like the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). This ISO standard measures a product’s environmental lifecycle impact. Reach out for details on our EPD.